Free time

Sports activities In the vicinity of the Hotel Panorama you have many opportunities to spend your free time. Only 3 km from the hotel, in the village Ratnovce you can find a creek for water skiing , suitable for beginners or advanced skiers as well. In the same area you can play beachvolleyball, petanque, bedminton or just hang out at the water. Further on, in the downtown of Piešťany you can visit a thermal swimming pool with indoor, outdoor and childrens´ pool, tennis courts, squash centrum, football stadium, indoor spinning or in the winter time a skating ring. If you are eager to play golf, you may try the 18 holes golf area in the spa Island, suitable for bith beginners and advanced players. There are 3 ski resorts in the winter time in the close vicinity of the town Piešťany, easily reachable by car or local buses. Slopes are suitable for skiing and snowboarding, prefering mosty by modest skiers and snowboarders. More information about activities, prices and the opening hours you will be given at the reception desk.